There are a lot of good reasons to use group work or group assignments in your courses. However, there are a number of issues common to group work that can be anticipated. Below are some good resources to help create successful student working groups.

The first resource is a page from the Eberly Center at Carnegie Mellon University. The sample group project tools page has sample team contracts, a definition of team roles, self-assessments, peer assessments, and group process assessments.

The second resource is a video from the University of Washington, called “Teaching Teamwork.” There are two professors that are highlighted in the video and they share different strategies they use in their own classrooms to help students work effectively in groups.

There were two books referenced in the video above:

  • Cohen EG, Lotan RA. Designing Groupwork : Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom . Third edition. Teachers College Press; 2014.
  •  Jeffrey H. Dyer, W. Gibb Dyer Jr, William G. Dyer. Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance, 5th Edition. Jossey-Bass; 2013.

Both books are available for checkout from VCU Libraries. The second book, Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance, is also available online using your VCU eID and password. (The link will take you to the Ebook Central page through VCU Libraries where you can read it online or download the book.)

The third resource, the RN to BS Small Group Charter was submitted by Dr. Tammy Williams, Undergraduate Program Director.

Categories Learner Engagement, Teaching Tips