Hindle Lab

Updates from the Aerosol Research Group at VCU


Principle Investigator

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Michael Hindle, Ph.D.
Peter R. Byron Distinguished Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics
Virginia Commonwealth University
410 North 12th Street
Richmond, VA, 23298-0533
Phone: (804) 828-6497
Fax: (804) 828-8359
E-mail: mhindle@vcu.edu
VCU Website
Google Scholar

Research Faculty

Mohmammad Momin, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

Post Doctoral Fellow

Current Fellows

Caleb Dalton Ph.D., e-mail: [email protected]

Felicia Hall, Ph.D. email: [email protected]

Previous Fellows

Amr Hassan, Ph.D.

Sarah Aboelela, Ph.D.

Mukul Kelkar, Ph.D., Global Product Manager – Stryker

Sneha Dhapare, Ph.D., now US FDA

Anubhav Kaviratna, Ph.D., now ORISE Fellow, FDA

Laleh Golshahi, Ph.D. , now Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, VCU.

Yoen-Ju Son, Ph.D., now Genentech.

Xiangyin Wei, Ph.D., now ORISE Fellow, FDA

Rajiv Gupta, Ph.D., now Medimmune

Former Graduate Students

Serena Bonasera, Ph.D. now Moderna

Susan Boc, Ph.D. now FDA

Mandana Azimi, Ph.D., now Merck & Co

Swati Agrawal, Ph.D., now FDA

Xihao Li, Ph.D., now FDA

Xiaobin Shen, Ph.D. Independent Regulatory Consultant

John Hong, Ph.D., GlaxoSmithKline

Shuguang Hou, Ph.D., SCPurity