VCU Biology

The Office of Student Services in the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) is recruiting to fill multiple Academic Adviser positions in the areas of Biology; Forensics; Kinesiology and Health Sciences; African American Studies, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, and Philosophy; and one Academic Adviser who will serve as a Generalist in CHS. The Academic Adviser will sustain an environment of effective academic advising for undergraduate students in the College in order to support VCU being a leader among national research universities in providing all students with high-quality learning/living experiences focused on inquiry, discovery and innovation in a global environment. More specifically, depending on the unit assigned, the Academic Adviser will provide resources to improve the student to adviser ratio in the Biology, Forensics, or Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science programs; provide professional advising for the programs in the smaller departments of African American Studies, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, and Philosophy; provide general advising through the CHS Office of Student Services to answer general questions, provide guidance to upper-level CHS majors who are exploring the option of changing to another major, and assist programs with larger student to adviser ratios that may change over time. Meeting these needs will improve student engagement through effective academic advising, while supporting the identified metrics of graduation rates and retention.

Interested applicants should visit the VCUJobs posting at the following url:

The Department of Biology would like to congratulate Academic Adviser Samantha Rogers on being accepted into the Integrative Life Sciences PhD program at VCU Life Sciences.  Samantha will continue as an academic adviser through the end of Academic Year 2018.  VCU Biology wishes her the best and she will be dearly missed as a member of the biology team.

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