Map Your Course Visually
We all know alignment between program objectives, course objectives, and module objectives is important, but getting there can be a tremendous challenge. This poster, created by New Mexico State University and based on Quality Matters standards, provides a visual representation of this process with real-world examples. Applying this format to your own course can help […]
From Sketch to Video: Whiteboard Animations Bring Concepts to Life
In April, Dr. Lana Sargent and other educators from Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing presented a de-prescribing workshop at the Virginia Geriatric Society Conference as part of a $10,000 grant award from the Geriatric Training and Education Initiative (GTE). Dr. Sargent approached SON IT with a rough sketch of an animation that she hoped to incorporate […]
Close a Discussion Forum to Editing
IT recently fielded a question from a student who was unable to view a discussion that had been visible a few days prior. Upon investigation, we discovered the discussion had an availability end date that was set to coincide with the due date. This is fine if students no longer need access to the discussion, […]
Blackboard Test Deployment Checklist
I did NOT copy and paste from Word to Blackboard. Why? Word has “behind the scenes” code that gets pasted into Blackboard. After pasting, the formatting might look fine to you, but it can alter the display of questions and even prevent students from completing a test. If your text is in Word, you […]
Measuring Student Learning
The end of the semester is an opportunity to look back on your course and reflect on what went well and what you might want to modify before you teach it again. When doing so, consider how the activities you are asking students to complete meet your learning objectives and how you are assessing mastery of course content. […]
Upload Video to Kaltura
Uploading video files directly to Blackboard is not recommended as file sizes and types may prove problematic for students. It’s easy to convert video to Kaltura, however, and to drop the Kaltura video into your course: Step 1: Upload your file to Kaltura Go to Kaltura and click LOGIN in the top right corner: […]
Blackboard Upgrade: Delete multiple columns
After you copy a course, one of your first priorities should be to remove gradebook columns that you no longer intend to use. In the past you have had to do this one by one from within the Full Grade Center, but after the May upgrade you will be able to remove multiple columns from […]
Blackboard Upgrade: “Replies to me”
After the May 15th upgrade, it will be easier to filter large discussions using the new “Replies to me” option. When clicked, this counter will filter the forum and display only replies to posts made by the participant. Blackboard Discussion Forum Blackboard will be unavailable from May 15th at 8pm until May 16th at 8pm.
Add Interactive Quizzing to Kaltura Lectures
Kaltura includes an easy to use wizard for creating an unlimited number of questions that you can embed at chosen points in your lecture. The multiple choice format allows for 2, 3, or 4 answers and flexible settings give you the ability to choose if learners can skip questions, revise answers, get hints and/or discover […]
Troubleshoot Viewing of Echo Recordings
If you or your students attempt to view an Echo recording and receive an error message that the correct version of the Adobe Flash player is not installed, it is NOT necessary to upgrade the player. There is actually a simple fix that involves enabling Flash in the browser as shown below: Use the Chrome browser […]