Construction Finale: Be prepared for front desk move, demo, noise
Work on new Cabell Library is edging to a close. To meet deadlines,some essential work will be done during the normally quiet exam period. Be prepared for noise–both behind construction walls and in public spaces. Quiet study spaces are on the third and fourth floors. Expect noise on the first and second floors.
Remember: The end is near. Starbucks is open. FreeĀ earplugs and candy are available at the service desk.
December 10-11 – Workers will be installing new metal shelving in the staff area in the lobby. Students studying on the first floor and second floor should prepare to hear metal clanging.
December 15-16 – Information Services staff and the service desk functions will move to prominent new space in the new lobby.
December 16-18 – Furniture and computers on the “old” first floor will be moved out temporarily.
December 21-23 – First floor carpet will be replaced.
Other work that will take place over the winter break and intersession includes:
- Demolishing the current Information Services desk and rebuilding it as the printer corral;
- Replacing the main elevator lobby graphics due to construction damage;
- Repairing the elevator cabs damaged during construction;
- Cleaning and sealing the granite floor tile;
- Demolishing the temporary Innovative Media space on the third floor and returning it to study space.