Fire alarm system test on Dec. 3
The fire alarm system in Cabell Library will be tested Oct. 3.
A critical part of completing construction of the new building is tying together the fire alarm system of old Cabell Library with the new system in the new building and ensuring that it works properly. This testing has to be done before the Bureau of Capital Outlay Management can do its final inspection prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy for the third and fourth floors.
On Dec. 3, approximately 6:30 a.m., both the strobe lights and the audible alarm will flash and sound for 15 minutes. You do NOT need to evacuate the building. The remainder of the testing should not be disruptive, although you will see workers moving about the building.
The timing of the tests near the end of the semester and exams is not ideal for students. But, the tests have to be done during weekdays and within the constraints of the state fire marshal’s schedule. The dates and times were selected to minimize disruption to students.
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