The Rising Scholars award program returns this spring and features author David Baldacci.

Save the date for the 10th Anniversary of the Friends of VCU Libraries Rising Scholars Author Luncheon to be held on Thursday, June 1, 2023 at noon, featuring author David Baldacci and honored guest VCU President Michael Rao, Ph.D.

Previously known as the VCU Monroe Scholars Award Luncheon and Program, this is a fundraising event to support VCU scholarships to the 43 Region 1 (metropolitan Richmond area) high school seniors who select to attend VCU.  These students are selected by their high school counselors in their junior year to receive the Rising Scholars Award based on service to community, grade average and participation in school activities. These outstanding students are presented a book and certificate from the Friends of VCU Libraries at their junior year recognition ceremonies. Over the years, 48 students have received scholarships totaling $48,000; and with your support, more and increased scholarships can be awarded!

For more information, contact [email protected]

Categories Alumni, Community, Events, Friends of VCU Libraries