Collage Campaign creates new approach to outreach to schools
What do arts students know about VCU Libraries? How do they find out what they know? What are the gaps in their knowledge? How can we fill those gaps to increase their awareness and use of library resources and therefore improve their experiences as students and creators? These are the sorts of questions Arts Research […]
To combat fakes and defend truth #VetYourSources effort continues
In an era of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” VCU Libraries’ ongoing information literacy campaign encourages all in the VCU community and beyond to carefully evaluate their sources of information — whether writing a paper, conducting research or reading a news article in mainstream or on social media. Today, the social media project is planned to go […]
Research librarian contributes to state health policymaking
When experts from the College of Health Professions, Department of Rehabilitation Counseling partnered with VCU’s Survey and Evaluation Research Laboratory (SERL) on a grant-funded research project contracted by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) they turned to Talicia Tarver to provide expert systematic search support for their research. The overarching goal of the 2019 research […]