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‘Klara and the Sun’ is Summer reading for the Friends of VCU Libraries Book Club

The Friends of VCU Libraries Book Club will meet Sunday , June 27 at 2 p.m. on the third floor Terrace at the Cabell Library. For those who wish to join remotely, we will have an option for you to join via Zoom. The book selected for discussion this month is Klara and the Sun, […]

VCU’s Brody chairs Medical Library Association’s dental caucus

Research and Education Librarian and liaison to the VCU School of Dentistry, Erica Brody, MPH, MSLS, is the new chair of the Medical Library Association (MLA)’s dental caucus. She has completed one year of service as dental caucus chair-elect and begins her term as chair in May 2021, which will be followed by a one […]

Catching up with VCU Libraries’ Community Zooms

As the COVD-19 pandemic entered a second spring, VCU Libraries continued to use the Zoom platform to keep the Friends of VCU Libraries engaged. We have had more than 700 individual participants at these events and are so grateful to have found a way to stay connected. If you missed a program or want to revisit one that you […]