Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

Update (4/17/18): The EchoSystem Server Upgrade has been rescheduled for Friday, 4/20 at 5:30AM. Thank you!

Please note the reminders and updates below:

  • EchoSystem Server Upgrade – Yes, one final upgrade to the EchoSystem Server will be applied that will address some minor issues with the content migration tool for EchoCloud and EchoCenter link issues. This update will happen next Tuesday (4/20/18) morning at 5:30AM. Detailed information about Service Pack 17 and all the hotfixes in that release can be found here.
  • EchoSystem Server to enter read-only mode on June 30th – At that time, captures can be played back, downloaded, and migrated but NO NEW captures will be allowed on the old Echo360 (on the EchoSystem Server). By that time, all existing Echo360 Capture Appliances will either be on EchoCloud OR retired in favor of another capture option. Active Echo360 Personal Capture users will be notified of the change and given instructions for other options for desktop capture: Kaltura CaptureSpace is a viable option but Echo360 Personal Capture on Echo360 Cloud is also available for those users that want to continue to test it out.
  • EchoCloud Migrations – Capture appliance migrations will begin in May. Learning Systems is working with all stakeholders to transfer some existing captures to Echo360 Cloud. For specific migrations (section or course level migrations) a form will be created, where continued requests can be made. Please work with your IT Director and staff handling lecture capture in your department to make sure all requests for content migration make their way to Learning Systems (OR use [email protected] to make a request). Reminder: EchoSystem will continue to remain up for another year (until June 30, 2019, without option for capture, in a read only state) but all playback functionality will still work. We can also explore options for moving some of your content to Kaltura.

Please send any questions or concerns to Learning Systems. We realize that there are lot of moving parts with lecture capture at VCU and we want to hear about any edge cases that we may be overlooking and are happy to discuss any of this in further detail.

Categories Echo360, Echo360 Downtime, Echo360 News, Faculty, Private, Staff, Students

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