Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

Begin Time: Monday, June 22nd, 2015 06:00 US Eastern (UTC/GMT-4)

End Time: Monday, June 22nd, 2015 08:00 US Eastern (UTC/GMT-4)

Blackboard Managed Hosting will apply a workaround for the issue where students are getting test questions marked wrong and not given credit even though their answer is correct.  This issue is affecting a small subset of users, however it is still a critical impact.

This update will begin on Monday, June 22nd, 2015 at 6:00am and should be completed by 8:00am.  This update is being done without taking the system completely offline, so no interruption in service is expected.

Kind Regards, 

Blackboard Team


Categories Blackboard Issue, Blackboard Notice, Private

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