Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

On Monday, May 6th, the Learning Systems team made a change to our Ellucian ILP Configuration that affects course participation dates. 

Previously, courses were loaded into Canvas and used the ‘Term’ dates to define the course participation. We are now sending courses into Canvas using the course start and end dates as defined within Banner (with a 14 day buffer to the start & end of the course dates). This change accommodates courses that fall outside of the standard term start/end dates. The courses still need to be published for students to be able to access the content. 

We have already updated the Summer and Fall 2024 course settings. Spring 2024 courses are scheduled to update at 1am on May 15th to ensure a transparent transition for any courses which continue past the end of the Spring term dates. 

For more information, please see Instructure’s documentation on Term vs Course participation dates. Please note that we are not sending start/end dates at the Section level, only the Course level.

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]

– VCU Learning Systems LMS Administration Team

Categories Canvas, Faculty, Notice Update, Online Teaching and Development, Staff, Teaching with Technology

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