Cabell Screen Summer 2018 Showcase
During the summer (May – August), the Cabell Screen will showcase selections of student and faculty art and some selections from library collections. The shows will run continuously throughout the days. Viewers will see title screens between groups of images and works that will include:
- “Emanata” a student-run publication of undergraduate comic arts
- “3D Scanned Skulls” from Dr. Bernard Means, an anthropology professor
- “1969 – The Start of VCU” selections from 1969 yearbooks
- “Black Heroes, Black Arts” a number of comics from VCU Libraries Comic Arts Collection (at right)
- “Scenes from the James River Park System” Professor Anne Wright’s nighttime game camera videos
- “Sic Semper Tyrannis” video selections from VCUarts Undergraduate Juried Exhibition
- “Momentum” VCUarts annual fashion show
Categories Comic Arts, Digital Collections, Special Collections and Archives, Student Work