Saturday on the Big Screen: For Monument 10K
Showing Saturday, April 1. VCU is at the center of activity for Saturday’s Monument Avenue 10K. This race is not really about the exercise. It’s a community event with 30,000 participants, many in costume and many just cheering on the sidelines. Named one of the best races in the country by USA Today, Richmond’s biggest block […]
Celebration of the Torah
Showing March 30. In honor of today’s celebration of the gift of a Holocaust Torah to VCU Libraries, the Big Screen shares some images of this beautiful and meaningful religious relic and teaching tool. This Torah scroll, on parchment in the customary Hebrew, was composed in Romania around 1750. During World War II, it was confiscated […]
Neurons Under the Microscope
Showing Commencement Weekend and throughout the summer As you walk by Cabell Library, you may notice striking neon images that resemble abstract art. These are actually images of zebrafish spinal cord neurons, created as part of a master’s thesis in neurobiology by Ashley Purdy. Purdy’s research studied the development of the nervous system and the […]
Visual Music
Showing through April 7. The abstract animation in Visual Music speaks to the essence of an experience or may evoke a feeling and has an underlying structure much in the way that music does. Pure forms – points, lines, planes – can, like notes, chords and scales, be arranged in time and space, free from the […]
The Art of Moveable Books from VCU Libraries’ collection
Showing through summer. The Art of Moveable Books exhibition includes selected titles from James Branch Cabell Library’s Book Art Collection that pop-up to form complex sculptures or have kinetic parts that provide an interactive experience. One Red Dot is a popular children’s title by David Carter that features 10 pages of brightly colored abstract shapes that […]
Science and Art Collides: Information in Motion
Showing through March 31. Digital Pragmata is a VCU Libraries digital arts and humanities initiative that bring together scholars, students and creators for lectures and teaching presentations. The March 30 installment, “Information in Motion,” examines how animation and motion graphics can be used to visualize and explain data. The presenters come from varied backgrounds in […]
Graphic novels from the father of the form
Through March 7. Fans and followers of comic artist Will Eisner (1917-2005) worldwide are celebrating his creativity and contributions to the comic arts field during Will Eisner Week (March 1-7). The centennial of his birth is March 6, 2017. This pioneer in the field of sequential art is considered to be the father of the […]