VCU Parking and Transportation

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Category results for: Maintenance Updates/Closures

O Lot closure on Monday, Jan. 20

Due to the potential for inclement weather on Sunday, Jan. 19, into Monday, Jan. 20, the O Lot will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20. During this time, O Lot subscribers should park in either Eighth Street Deck or N Deck. Your license plate and/or VCU ID card will provide you access to these facilities. Please plan to return […]

Multiple streets around MPC closed starting May 11

From Thursday, May 11, through Tuesday, May 16, multiple streets around the Monroe Park Campus (between Belvidere St. and Harrison St.) will be closed as the City installs speed tables.  While installing the speed tables, the contractor will close one street at a time, starting with West Main Street and ending with West Franklin Street. […]

High school graduations begin May 23

High school graduations will return to the Stuart C. Siegel Center this year, from May 23-25 and June 10-16. During these special events, thousands of high school graduates and their families will have the opportunity to experience Virginia Commonwealth University. Given the large volume of traffic expected, VCU Police will implement a regional traffic plan […]

Upcoming Monument Avenue 10k impacts

The Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k will take place on Saturday, April 23. The race will begin on Broad and N. Harrison streets and conclude near Franklin and Shafer streets. As one of the larger races in Richmond, heavy traffic is expected throughout the day, and road closures will be implemented, beginning on Thursday, April 21.   The full list of road closures […]

Broad St. gateway and corridor improvements proj. begins April 11

The city of Richmond is embarking on a Broad St. gateway and corridor improvements project, starting Monday, April 11. This project will include streetscape installations with construction along Broad St. from Hamilton St. to Laurel St. and paving from 3rd St. to the city/county line west of Staples Mill Rd. Work will be completed in phases, with […]

E. Marshall St. closure b/w 13th & College St. on 3/27, 4/3 & 4/10

E. Marshall St.(all lanes) between 13th St. and College St. will close from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, from March 27, Saturday, April 3 and Saturday, April 10, due to construction activities. Additionally, on Saturday, March 27 only,  traffic traveling westbound on Broad St. to the Gateway Building, traffic will be detoured to 10th Street.Please […]

Friday, Feb. 19 parking/transportation impacts

Due to the inclement weather, A Lot, M Lot, R Lot, and O Lot will be closed on tomorrow, Feb. 19, and RamRide service will be unavailable at these locations.   On Friday, Feb. 19, A/O/R/M Lot subscribers should park in the following locations: A Lot subscribers should park in Eighth St. Deck or N Deck. If preferred, subscribers can continue […]

Thursday, Feb. 18 parking/transportation impacts

Parking The M Lot, R Lot, and O Lot will close, and RamRide service will be unavailable at these locations. On Thursday, Feb. 18, M/R/O Lot subscribers should park in the following locations: O Lot subscribers should park in Eighth St. Deck R Lot subscribers should park in Eighth St. Deck or N Deck M Lot subscribers should park […]

Feb. 12- M/R Lot subscribers should park in D Deck, beg. at noon

Due to the icy conditions expected later this evening, beginning at noon today, M/R Lot subscribers should park in D Deck. Transportation service from the M/R Lots to the hospital will not be provided beyond this time. Any subscriber that is currently parked in the M/R Lots will still be able to retrieve their vehicle, as […]

Temporary E. Marshall St. weekend closures begin Feb. 6

To facilitate a concrete pour for the new Main 3 Mezzanine, portions of E. Marshall St. will be inaccessible each Saturday in February. Please review the closures below to coordinate your commute to D Deck.Saturday, February 6 All vehicular lanes on E. Marshall St. between N. 13th St. and College St. will close from 8 a.m. to 5:30 […]

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