We have had a number of previous posts about Kaltura including:

  1. Upload video to Kaltura
  2. Add interactive quizzing to Kaltura lectures
  3. Allow your students to download Kaltura videos
  4. Using Kaltura to create a presentation

Today, we have a new post and video: Making a Kaltura Video Presentation and Posting it to Blackboard 

If you intend to have your students create a voice over PowerPoint presentation and they need to comment on the presentations of other students, you can use Kaltura.  VoiceThread is another option, but using Kaltura allows you to create a discussion forum for the finished presentations.  This makes it very easy to be able to see who has posted and who has commented on the other entries.  The link above is a video that has been created that walks students step by step through the process of adding a new thread to a discussion forum and adding a Kaltura presentation – including installing the software and inserting it into the entry. Enjoy!

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