Cabell Foundation issues $1 million challenge grant to VCU Libraries
The Cabell Foundation, known for its generous support of area cultural centers, has issued a $1 million challenge grant to VCU Libraries. Money raised will assist VCU Libraries in fully outfitting and equipping the new James Branch Cabell Library, as well as provide funding for future furniture and equipment needs. The foundation has challenged VCU […]
Innovative Media closed Monday, Nov. 30
Innovative Media on the third floor of Cabell Library will close at 1 a.m. Monday, Nov. 30, and is scheduled to-reopen in new space on the lower level at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1. The department, which is expanding into new spaces for video and audio editing and making things, will be offering new equipment […]
POSTPONED Fire alarm test Nov. 25
The fire alarm system in Cabell Library was scheduled to be tested today. That test is postponed and likely will be performed when the library is closed Friday. A critical part of completing construction of the new building is tying together the fire alarm system of old Cabell Library with the new system in the […]
Noise Alert Nov. 24-25: Linden Street and loading doc road work
On Nov. 24 and 25, W. M. Jordan will start modifying the approach from Linden Street to the new loading dock on the west side of Cabell Library. The slope is too steep for large box trucks to back down to the loading dock from Linden Street. On Nov. 24, they will saw cut a […]
Looking for the helpIT Desk? Use the elevator.
Construction begins Tuesday to renovate and expand Starbucks Cafe on the first floor of Cabell Library. A construction wall will block two staircases–including one to the lower level that takes patrons downstairs to the helpIt Desk, Media Support Services and Video Conference Room and other Technology Services spaces. How to get where you need to […]