Selected presentations and papers by VCU Libraries staff and faculty
A selected list of presentations and papers by VCU Libraries faculty and staff in FY19, July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019.
Adunlin G, Cyrus J.W. Asare M, Sabik LM. Barriers and Facilitators to Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Immigrants in the United States. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2018; Aug 16:1-53. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-018-0794-6
Arendt, J., Peacemaker, B., & Miller, H. (2019). Same question, different world: Replicating an open access research impact study. College & Research Libraries, 80(3), 303-1. Retrieved from
Brewer, A. (October, 2018). “Web Committee” bringing you down? Try a “Working Group” and like your job again! (October, 2018). Presented at edUI, Charlottesville, VA.
Brewer, A., Miller, H. (April, 2019).We’re already doing that!: Reworking old tech for new problems. (April, 2019). Presented at Designing for Digital, Austin, TX.
Brody E.R. [March, 2019). “Where to Publish: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Dental Education Association, Chicago.
Brown, R. (April, 2019). “EBP and the Librarian’s Role”. National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical Library. Webinar.
Brown, R. & Montpetit, A. (May, 2019). “The Magnet Recognition Program and the Librarian’s Role”. National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical Library. Webinar.
Brown, R. and Wright, D. (October, 2018). “Empowering Nurses with an Online Roadmap for EvidenceBased Practice” . Paper Presented at the ANCC Magnet Conference, Denver.
Campbell, A. (September, 2018), The Social Welfare History Image Portal: social reform, revolution, and reinvention. Presentation at 2018 VLACRL/Virginia Library Association Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Campbell, A. (October, 2018). The Social Welfare History Project: Educating new audiences to strengthen society. Presentation at National Association of Social Workers Pioneers luncheon, October 27, 2018, Washington.
Campbell, A. (November, 2018). Digital surrogates and communities of inquiry. Presentation at Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit, November 30, 2018, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Campbell, A.(April, 2019). Turning collections into conversations. Demonstration at Museums and the Web, Boston.
Bloom, D., Carrillo, E., & Michelson-Ambelang, T. (2018). Assessing the research practices of civil and environmental engineering researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: An Ithaka S+R Local report. Retrieved from
Carrillo, E., & Exner, N. (January, 2019). Data Management Plans for Open Data. Presented at OpenCon VA, Richmond, VA.
Carrillo, E., Haugen, I., Lawal, I., & Patterson, R. (November, 2018). Initiatives for Increasing Retention of Underrepresented Groups in STEM. Panel organized, moderated, and presented online to Virginia Librarians in Engineering and Science (VALES).
Chaparro, S., & Newell, Z. (September, 2018). An invitation to globalize the information literacy agenda: Expanding discourse. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), Oulu, Finland.
Chaparro, S. (January, 2019). What can we learn from Scielo? Lightning talk at OpenCon 2019, Richmond, Virginia.
Chaparro, S. (May 2019). Educating for social justice and information advocacy using open access platforms from the southern region of the world. Virtual presentation at the ACRL Instruction Section’s Virtual Program: Incorporating social justice and the framework in information literacy instruction.
Chaparro, S. (May, 2019). Where do academic librarians get their ideas from? Presentation at the Emerging Learning Design Conference, Montclair, New Jersey.
Coghill, D.E. and Doherty, M.T. (2019) Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries’ Gender-Inclusive Work Group Experience. In H. L. Seibert, A. Vinogradov and A. H. McLellan (Eds.), The Library Workplace Idea Book: Proactive Steps for Positive Change. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions.
Crookendale, C., Miller, H., & Robinson, S. (2018). Copyright for Creators: Bridging Law and Practice. In R. Sittler & T. Rogerson (Eds.), The Library Outreach Casebook. Chicago, IL: Association of College & Research Libraries.
Crookendale, C., Miller, H., & Robinson, S. (2019). Copyright for Creators: Bridging Law and Practice. American Libraries, 50(3/4), 42–45. Retrieved from
Crookendale, C. (April, 2019). Are You Picking Up What They’re Putting Down? Inciting Change with Student Insights. Assessment in Art Libraries panel presentation at the ARLIS/NA Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Cunningham, S., Guss, S., and Stout, J.A. (2019). Challenging the ‘good fit’ narrative: Creating inclusive recruitment practices in academic libraries. ACRL 2019 Proceedings.
Cunningham, S., Guss, S., Stout, J.A. (2019). Challenging the “Good Fit” Narrative: Creating Inclusive Recruitment Practices in Academic Libraries. Presented at ACRL 2019 in Cleveland, OH.
Cunningham, S. Stout, J.A., Guss, S. (2019) They just aren’t a good fit: Interrogating and challenging recruitment strategies in academic libraries that perpetuate whiteness. Presented at Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility in Libraries & Archives in Columbus, OH.
Cyrus, J. and Brown, R. (March, 2019). “Collaborating with researchers to support systematic reviews”. Podium Presentation at the Empirical Librarians Conference, Richmond, VA.
Cyrus, J., Bryant, N., & Lipczynska, S. (July, 2018). Educating a global healthcare workforce: A model for international online degree programmes. Paper presented at the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Conference, Cardiff, Wales.
Cyrus J, Bryant N, Loos M. (September, 2018).Three university libraries on three continents: A promising model for international joint degree programmes. Paper presented at European Association of International Educators Conference; Geneva, Switzerland.
Dautovich, N.D., Schreiber, D.R., Imel, J.L, Tighe, C.A., Shoji, K.D., Cyrus, J., Bryant, N., Lisech, A., O’Brien, C., & Dzierzewski, J.M. (In Press). A systematic review of the amount and timing of light in association with objective and subjective sleep outcomes in community-dwelling adults. Sleep Health. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2018.09.006
DeSart, M., Solomon, D., Volkening, T. C., & Arendt, J. (2019). Keeping current with scholarly communication issues Keeping current with scholarly communication issues. Panel presentation at Engineering Libraries Division session of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Doherty, M.T. and Lamb, R. (2018). I Spy: Intellectual Freedom Issues at Your Library. Presentation at Virginia Library Association annual conference, Norfolk, VA.
Doherty, M.T. and Lamb, R. (2019). I Spy: Intellectual Freedom Issues at Your Library (webinar). Florida Library Webinars.
Feldman M, Cyrus J, Helou M, Stronger J, Santen S, Diaz-Granados D. (November, 2018). Tolerance for ambiguity: perceptions of the medical school learning environment, and well-being across different phases of UME. Poster presented at the Association of American Medical Colleges Meeting; Austin, TX.
Glover, J. (2018). Reception Claims in Supernatural Horror in Literature and the Course of Weird Fiction. In S. Moreland (Ed.), New directions in supernatural horror literature: The critical influence of H. P. Lovecraft (171-187). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Glover, J. (2018). To slovo na h: Život po životě literárního hororu. A2, 14(12). Retrieved from [Originally published in 2016 as “The Life and Afterlife of Horror Fiction” in Postscripts to Darkness.]
Glover, J. (2019). Go small or go home: Nimble mini-conferences. Biblio-Notes, 73, 7-9. Retrieved from
Glover, J. (2019). Liaison librarianship. In M. Hodge (Ed.), The future academic librarian’s toolkit: Finding success on the job hunt and in your first job. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Glover, J. T. (2018). There has never been anyone here. In C.M. Muller (Ed.), Nightscript IV (6-19). St. Paul, Minnesota: Chthonic Matter.
Glover, J. T. (2018). Translating The Ritual. The Silent Garden, 1, 215-221.
Glover, J. T. (2018). En plein air. Pseudopod podcast. [Originally published in 2016 in Nightscript 2].
Glover, J. T. (2018, November). Author reading. World Fantasy Convention, Baltimore, MD.
Glover, J. T. (2019). His knife, her shadow. Thinking Horror, 2, 145-154.
Glover, J. T. (2019). Questionable things. In C. M. Muller (Ed.), Synth #2: An Anthology of Dark SF. St Paul, Minnesota: Chthonic Matter.
McClung, S., Gau, K., Blanton-Kent, B., & Johnson-Grau, G. (2018). Communicating Collections to Stakeholders: The Good, the Bad, and the Spreadsheets. In L. Meyer (Ed.), Charleston Voices: Perspectives from the 2017 Conference. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing. Retrieved from
Haag CK, Nutan F, Cyrus J.W., Satpathy J, Shinkai K, Loayza AG. Pyoderma Gangrenosum Misdiagnosis Resulting in Amputation: A Review. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019; 86(2): 307-313. DOI: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002096
Helou M, Diaz-Granados D, Cyrus J., Ryan MS. Practicing Medicine in the Gray: A framework for teaching evidence based practice under uncertainty. Poster accepted for the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Conference; May 3, 2019; New Orleans, LA.
Hodge, M. (2019). A case for the use of nonparametric statistical methods in library research. Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, 14(2), 109-112.
Hodge, M. (2019). Online learning through LibGuides for English language learners: A case study and best practices. In Y. Tran and S. Higgins (Eds.), Supporting Today’s Students in the Library: Strategies for Retaining and Graduating International, Transfer, First-Generation, and Re-Entry Students. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Hodge, M. (2019). The information-fluent English language learner: Cultural and pedagogical considerations. In Y. Luckert and L. Inge (Eds.), The Globalized Library: American Academic Libraries and International Students, Collections and Practices (pp. 43-50). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Hodge, M. (June, 2019). Talk Sense, Not Shop: Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners Online and in the Library Classroom. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Library Association, Washington, D.C.
Hodge, M. (2019.) Teaching English Language Learners to Vet Their Sources in the Post-Truth Paradigm. In L. Rod-Welch (Ed.), Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners (pp. 75-84). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Hurst, E.J. (April, 2019).“There’s an App for That! Tips to Evaluate Consumer Apps for Health” (Webinar) – National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern Atlantic Region.
Hurst, E.J. (October, 2018) “Making Waves with Library Programming” (Lightning Presentation) – MidAtlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association, Annual Meeting .
Hurst, E.J. (2018) “Evaluating Health and Wellness Mobile Applications.” Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2018; 18(3): 266-278.
Hodge, M. (Ed.). (2019). The Future Academic Librarian’s Toolkit: Finding Success on the Job Hunt and in Your First Job. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Johnson, J., Kidd, M., and Muskavitch, L. (2018) “‘We Are Not Bound by Traditions’ Women’s Collections at Virginia Commonwealth University Special Collections and Archives.” Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 14(3), 277-298.
Johnson, C. C., Sheffield, K. M., & Brown, R. E. (2018). Mind-Body Therapies for African- American Women at Risk for Cardiometabolic Disease: A Systematic Review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018
Koste, J. L. (2019) “Building a Foundation for a Department: Neurosurgery at the Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, 1919-1985,” Presented at the Neurosurgical Society of the Virginias annual meeting, Richmond, Va
Ladd, D. and Hurst, E.J. “Consumer Health Information Provision: A Workshop for Librarians.” Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. 2018; 22(3) 217-228.
Ladd. D., Sobczak, P., and Tarver, T. “Providing Health Information to Seniors: A Program Overview and Reliable Online Senior Health Resources.” Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. DOI: 10.1080/15398285.2019.1608500
JH Lindsay, JA Lloyd, and S.E. Wahl. “IRACDA Mentored Teaching Experience: The second year of the program for VCU-IRACDA fellows” IRACDA Conference June 30- July 2, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI. Invited talk and poster presentation.
Loren Loving Marquez & Dana L. Ladd (2019) Promoting Health Literacy: Finding Consumer Health Resources and Writing Health Materials for Patients, Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 19:2, 156-164, DOI: 10.1080/15323269.2019.1585777
Peacemaker, B., & Crookendale, C. (April, 2019). Life after reference: Casting a new liaison model. Poster presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, Cleveland, Ohio. Retrieved from
Rappe-Epperson, A., Stout, J.A., Chrzanowski, M., Moore, J., Smith, J., Flanagan, C. (2019). Public, academic, NASA, oh my! Exploring careers in libraries. Panel presentation at the Virginia Library Association Annual Conference in Norfolk, VA.
Rodgers, S. (October, 2018). Docs go to college. Presented at Federal Depository Library Conference, Arlington, VA.
Riddle, D.L., Sando, T., Tarver, T. et al. Protocol for a systematic review of randomized trials of knee arthroplasty decision aids and shared decision-making approaches. Systematic Reviews 8, BMC 137 (2019) doi:10.1186/s13643-019-1053-1
Stevens, G.A., Hinton, E.G., and Brown, R.E. (May, 2019). “Elevating Nursing Librarianship: Assessing Trends in Distance Librarian Services for Advanced Practice Nursing Programs”. Paper Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Stevens, G.A., Hinton, E.G., and Brown, R.E. (October, 2018). “Speeding Ahead: Assessing Trends in Distance Librarian Services for Advanced Practice Nursing Programs”. Paper Presented at the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Tolbert, J. A., & Johnson, E. D. M. (2019, Fall). Digital folkloristics: text, ethnography, and interdisciplinarity. Western Folklore, 78(4), 327-356.
S.E. Wahl, BH Wyatt, SD Turner, AJG Dickinson. (2018) “Transcriptome Analysis of Xenopus orofacial tissues deficient in retinoic acid receptor function.” BMC Genomics 2018 Nov. 3, 19(1): 795. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-5186-8
S.E. Wahl. (March, 2019). “Reaching the Basic Sciences: a scientist turned librarian’s perspective. Empirical Librarians, Richmond VA. Lightning Talk
White, E. (May, 2019). Trans-inclusive design. A List Apart.
Categories Annual Report, Faculty/Staff, Librarians at Work