Canvas Feature Updates – August 2024
Courses – Course Setting End Dates
Production Environment Availability: 8/14/2024
In Course Settings, when adding course participation dates, a warning displays if the course end date is set before the start date and settings cannot be saved. This update prevents scheduling errors by ensuring that the course timeline is logical and avoids potential confusion for both instructors and students. In Course Settings, if the Course End date is set before the Course Start Date, a warning displays when the instructor attempts to save the settings.

Discussions – Disallow Threaded Replies
Production Environment Availability: 8/14/2024
In Discussions, instructors can disallow threaded replies. This update enables instructors to restrict threaded replies, a feature that was available in legacy discussions. Note: Once there are threaded replies in a discussion, this setting can no longer be changed. On the Discussion Edit page, instructors can select the Disallow threaded replies checkbox.

Gradebook – Message Student Who Updates
Production Environment Availability: 8/14/2024
In the Gradebook, the default option for Message Students Who is changed to Have not yet submitted. Additionally, the Message Students Who options in the Totals column have updated text. This update follows grammar rules and improves the user workflow by setting the most commonly used option as the default.
The default option for Message Students Who in an assignment is Have not yet submitted.

In the Totals column, the Message Students Who option texts are updated to be grammatically correct.

Navigation – Sections Added to Course Tray
Production Environment Availability: 8/14/2024
In the Course Link tray, sections are displayed for users if available. This update helps users differentiate between multiple courses with the same name.

Students can view all sections they are enrolled in within a course.

Assignments – Assign To Interface Update
Production Environment Availability: 8/26/2024
In the Create and Edit pages for Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes, the Assign To interface is displayed by default. This update streamlines instructor workflow and improves the ability to differentiate instruction of assignments and discussions. Note: This update is not available in classic discussions. When using the Create and Edit pages for Assignments, Discussions, Pages and Quizzes, the Assign Access interface displays by default. To differentiate student or section access, click the Add Assign To button.