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Category results for: Feature Update

Canvas Feature Updates – June 2024

Gradebook – Message Students Who Numbers Update Production Environment Availability: 6/5/2024 When selecting roles using the Message Students Who feature in the Gradebook and modifying the Send Message To list, the displayed numbers update to reflect the current number of selected users. This update enhances clarity by displaying the number of users who will receive […]

Canvas Feature Updates – March 2024

Rich Content Editor- Canvas Media Right-Click Update Production Environment Availability: 3/14/2024 When right-clicking on media in the Rich Content Editor, the options to download media, open media in a new tab, and copy the media address are removed from the menu. This update enhances the security of Canvas media, increasing the level of difficulty for […]

Canvas Feature Updates – January 2024

Calendar – Event Times can be Input Manually Production Environment Availability: 1/17/2024 When creating or editing an event, users can manually input event times. Additionally, the time increments in the drop-down menu are changed to 15 minute increments. This update provides users the option to create time frames outside of the default 15 minute increment […]

Canvas Feature Updates – November 2023

Dashboard – Cookie Notice Link Production environment availability: 11/22/203 In the Dashboard, a Cookie Notice link is available to users. In the Dashboard, a link to Instructure’s Cookie Notice displays. This update improves alignment with General Data Protection regulations. Navigation – Navigation Tray All links Update Production environment availability: 11/22/2023 In the Global Navigation, the […]

Canvas Feature Updates – October 2023

Rich Content Editor – Color Gradients in the Accessibility Checker Production Environment Availability: 10/11/2023 The Rich Content Editor Accessibility checker does not inspect color gradients when checking contrast requirements. This update improves accuracy of the checker by reducing the occurrence of inaccurate errors. New Quizzes – Locked Quiz Details Production Environment Availability: 10/11/2023 When viewing […]

Canvas Feature Updates – August 2023

Announcements – Unpublished Course Warning Production Environment Availability: 8/2/2023 When creating an Announcement in an unpublished course, a warning displays that notifications are not sent retroactively. This update clarifies announcement notification expectations in unpublished courses. Announcements – Editing an Announcement Warning Production Environment Availability: 8/2/2023 When editing an Announcement, a warning displays that the user […]

Canvas Feature Updates May 2023

Rich Content Editor – Drag and Drop or Paste Multiple Files Production Environment Availability: 5/10/20923 In the Rich Content Editor, users can drag and drop or paste multiple files. Additionally, users can paste multiple files in the Rich Content Editor. This change allows users to quickly and efficiently add files in the Rich Content Editor.  […]

Canvas Feature Updates – October 2022

Course Settings – File Visibility Access Production Environment Availability – 10/18/2022 Instructors can customize file access in published courses.  The Files drop-down menu allows instructors to set the file visibility access to the Course, Institution, or Public. When files are uploaded, the file visibility matches the course default setting unless visibility is otherwise specified in […]

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