Scenes from Study Abroad: Annual Photo Contest

Showing April 16 and 17 during Study Abroad orientations.
As more than 400 VCU students prepare to study abroad this summer and have orientation meetings in Cabell Library this week, the Virginia Commonwealth University Global Education Office and VCU Libraries present Scenes from Study Abroad on the Cabell Big Screen.
Scenes from Study Abroad showcases a selection of images from the annual photo competition hosted by the Education Abroad office. (Photo at by Helen Solomita/France.)
The annual photography competition challenges students to capture the lessons they learn abroad through imagery. Photos submitted reflect the many ways that VCU students are engaged globally and provide a glimpse into study abroad through the eyes of the university’s students.
Photos in the 2018 competition were submitted by students based on the theme Home Away from Home, which encouraged students to submit pictures from their time abroad that captured a moment at which they felt at home in their host country.
See the full collection of entries from 2018
The photo competition has received more than 1,300 entries since its inception in 2003. Entries are uploaded to the Education Abroad Facebook page, and judging takes place by the greater VCU community by “liking” the photos. The photo with the most “likes” in each category wins.
Are YOU going abroad this summer? Make sure you snap a few shots to enter into the 2019 photo contest that will be announced this fall.
This posting was written by Renee Russell, Marketing and Communications Director for the Global Education Office. Photo above by Emily Parr/South Africa.
Categories Students, study abroad