Now a full-time freelance illustrator, Pope started drawing early in his childhood. “My earliest memories are drawing pictures in the white spaces of my children’s books because I thought that space was for me,” he said.Pope says that his art comes from his subconscious and he tries to not let outside influences distract him. “I draw, consume and repeat,” Pope said. “My work kind of naturally does its thing, which is exciting.”There is a problem-solving aspect that is rewarding to Pope when he draws, “It’s like figuring out a puzzle,” he said. “I also like experimenting from time to time to push my work forward. There’s a bit of searching, in a way.”
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A universitywide planning committee has organized a robust group of programs–including discussions and service projects–during King Week. The week opens Monday, Jan. , 21 includes a march and candlelight vigil beginning at The Depot and progressing through campus to the library.
An article by Polina Wells, published in 2015 by University News, contributed to this blog posting. The complete article