Zoom Downtime Planned for 3/19
On Saturday, March 19 between 8 and 10 PM (EST), VCU Zoom will be undergoing necessary maintenance by the vendor. During this time, it will not be possible to log in at the VCU Zoom portal to start or join meetings.
The vendor is hopeful this work will be completed in less than the requested two hours, but users should definitely expect some downtime and avoid scheduling meetings or webinars within this time slot.
Once sign-in access is restored, users may experience additional delays accessing attendance reports, registration reports and links to Cloud Recordings while this data is being relocated to new servers, but any such issues should be temporary.
Users running versions of the Zoom desktop client older than the latest release (5.9.4) may find themselves logged out of the desktop client following this downtime, and would need to log back in again to reconnect.
As a reminder, VCU faculty, staff and students have access to Google Meet as an alternative desktop conferencing application should the need arise. More information on Meet can be found on the Collaboration Services website.
This maintenance has been scheduled for a time of typically low activity to mitigate the impact to VCU operations and classes. Nonetheless, we recognize it could still lead to inconveniences, and will strive to keep them to a minimum. Thank you in advance for your patience.
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