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Following up on yesterday’s Faculty Senate meeting

Dear VCU Faculty, Once again, I am sorry that my schedule prevented me from attending the January 28th meeting of the VCU Faculty Senate. I understand that there was a spirited discussion regarding the guidance my office gave to deans regarding the prominent role that terminal degrees should play in the consideration of faculty promotions, […]

Monthly Academic Report (Feb. 2025)

Message from the Provost Dear Colleagues, As I mentioned in my message at the top of the year, 2025 is focused on expanding the culture of care for VCU’s faculty members as the university strives for uncommon excellence. VCU’s enrollment is increasing, sponsored research is growing, and our national reputation and rankings are rising. None […]

Faculty P&T Policy – Credentials for Promotion Guidelines

The following guidelines regarding terminal degrees for promotion and/or tenure are effective immediately. Faculty P&T Policy – Credentials for Promotion Guidelines VCU’s current promotion and tenure policy lacks detail to define appropriate academic credentials required for promotion or tenure. The current policy only states the faculty must have: “Appropriate credentials and experience” (Section 2.1) and […]

Welcome to 2025 at VCU!

Dear VCU Faculty, As we embark on the new year, 2025, I am thrilled to share the exciting progress we are making at VCU. Our enrollment is increasing, sponsored research is growing, and our national reputation and rankings are rising. None of this would be possible without your hard work and dedication. This year, we […]

Faculty information for Spring Semester

Dear VCU Faculty, Welcome to the Spring 2025 semester! We are writing to share and reiterate information as you start a new semester. Below are the top 10 points that faculty need to know before classes begin.  1. Faculty are expected to teach their course(s) in the modality originally scheduled. Details on these guidelines can […]