Welcome to the Fall 2024 semester!
Dear VCU Faculty and Staff: This month marked the third anniversary of my appointment as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at VCU. Thanks to you, these past three years have been the most exciting and rewarding of my career. Yet, I promise you that our best days are yet to come. Together, […]
One VCU Academic Repositioning Draft Final Recommendations
As a result of the work of the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force, the community review of its recommendations, and in consultation with VCU senior leadership, the Provost will work with impacted units and respective governance organizations to reposition the university’s academic enterprise and implement the following recommendations: College of Humanities and Sciences Restructuring […]
Important: new policy on grades for non-engaged students
Dear VCU faculty: We would like to announce an interim policy beginning spring 2024 to maintain federal financial aid compliance for our students. The interim policy […]