Reaffirming VCU’s commitment to academic freedom and diverse viewpoints in learning
Dear VCU faculty: Thank you for all that you do to help students and advance VCU’s academic mission. Evidence of your accomplishments can be seen across the university: increased student enrollment, rising national rankings, and growing sponsored research. I appreciate your commitment to teaching and fostering critical thinking among our diverse students. I also recognize […]
Welcome to the Fall 2024 semester!
Dear VCU Faculty and Staff: This month marked the third anniversary of my appointment as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at VCU. Thanks to you, these past three years have been the most exciting and rewarding of my career. Yet, I promise you that our best days are yet to come. Together, […]
42nd annual Faculty Convocation will honor outstanding achievement
Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to share with you the names of outstanding faculty members whose achievements will be celebrated next month at VCU’s 42nd annual Faculty Convocation. I look forward to joining you to honor our friends and colleagues on the afternoon of Thursday, August 29. This year’s honorees include: University Award of […]
VCU names Dr. Hernan Bucheli vice president for strategic enrollment, management, and student success
Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D., VCU provost and senior vice president for academic affairs announced today that he is naming Hernan Bucheli, Ed.D., vice president for strategic enrollment management, and student success at Virginia Commonwealth University, effective immediately. Bucheli has served in the role, in an interim capacity for more than a year. During his tenure, VCU […]
University College Transition Update
Dear Colleagues: I hope you are having an amazing summer! I write to update you on our efforts to implement the recommendations of the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force, specifically the recommendation entitled, “Creation of a new College for advancing Interdisciplinary, Experiential and Entrepreneurial Studies.” As always, thank you for all that you do […]
Advice for students and parents frustrated by delays in federal financial aid awards
Federal financial aid delays are frustrating students and parents this year, regardless of what university they attend or aspire to attend. Our colleague, Hernan Bucheli, Ph.D., VCU’s interim vice president for strategic enrollment management and student success, offers advice to those folks in a piece published today in the Virginia Mercury. At VCU, our message […]
One VCU Academic Repositioning Draft Final Recommendations
As a result of the work of the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force, the community review of its recommendations, and in consultation with VCU senior leadership, the Provost will work with impacted units and respective governance organizations to reposition the university’s academic enterprise and implement the following recommendations: College of Humanities and Sciences Restructuring […]
Provost statement on today’s public comment session at the Board of Visitors meeting
Following the public comment period today at VCU Board of Visitors meeting, Provost Fotis Sotiropoulos issued the following statement: “I, along with the Dean of University College, share the same passion and commitment of our faculty colleagues to the success of the students that we serve together. That commitment includes our relentless focus on assuring […]
Brian Brown named interim Dean of the VCU School of Business
I am pleased to announce that Brian P. Brown Ph.D. has agreed to serve as the interim dean for the School of Business, effective January 22, 2024. Dr. Brown currently serves as a professor in the Department of Marketing. Dr. Brown brings to this interim positing tremendous experience in academic leadership, research, teaching, and professional […]
Video Message: Welcome to 2024 at VCU!
Provost Sotiropolous is welcoming VCU faculty and staff members back to campus for the new year and reminding them to make their voices heard on the recommendations created by their colleagues who served on the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force.