Category results for: Provost

Welcome to the Beginning of an Amazing Year!

Dear colleagues: I hope you had an amazing summer and that you’re as excited as I am to begin a new academic year brimming with promise and potential at VCU – Virginia’s Changing University. As our campuses come alive, with an increasing number of first-year students and stabilizing overall enrollment, so does our pursuit of […]

New IRDS Leadership

Dear Colleagues: I’m pleased to report that we have hired a new associate vice provost of Institutional Research and Decision Support to lead VCU’s IRDS office. Michael D. Bourgeois, Ph.D., who begins working with us on September 1, offers more than 20 years of higher education experience with a passion for student and institutional success […]

Ingrassia appointed dean of the College of Humanities and Sciences

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Catherine Ingrassia, Ph.D. as dean of the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) effective August 4, 2023. Dr. Ingrassia previously served as the college’s interim dean, a position she held for more than a year. This appointment is the result of shared governance with […]

Implementing VCU’s Racial Literacy Requirement

Dear VCU Faculty and Staff: I write today to share with you a student-centered decision to extend the implementation of VCU’s racial literacy requirement and the steps we will take with our faculty, through the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC) to better position the institution to enact this requirement. Two years ago, the UUCC adopted […]

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