Statement from the Provost Regarding VCU’s Racial Literacy Requirement Implementation

Thanks to the dedication and expertise of our faculty, VCU has the capacity to support a Racial Literacy requirement for incoming students as part of the General Education curriculum.
I greatly appreciate and support our faculty’s work to develop these courses.
In March, the VCU Board of Visitors requested more information about the Racial Literacy requirement at a future meeting of the Academic and Health Affairs Committee so that the board, “can determine whether to add a new graduation mandate for our students.”
There is clear history, dating back nearly 20 years, that the Board of Visitors approves strategic direction and vision for our curriculum. In addition, the board said that it was, “not discussing the content of classes. [The discussion is] about the mandatory nature of a new student graduation requirement.”
Once more information is shared with the committee — and the board provides direction — we will share next steps regarding the requirement.
Categories Racial Literacy