Reaffirming VCU’s commitment to academic freedom and diverse viewpoints in learning

Dear VCU faculty:
Thank you for all that you do to help students and advance VCU’s academic mission. Evidence of your accomplishments can be seen across the university: increased student enrollment, rising national rankings, and growing sponsored research. I appreciate your commitment to teaching and fostering critical thinking among our diverse students. I also recognize the diversity of our faculty and value how that diversity informs your teaching. But these challenging times require us to be sensitive and intentionally inclusive.
When it comes to what our students encounter within a class, we expect our professors to deliver a high-quality educational experience; to do so in a manner that is civil, professional, and respectful; and to do so by creating spaces for students to develop their critical thinking skills in exploring the broadest possible range of ideas and perspectives. We should not use the classroom or our positions as instructors to impose our personal beliefs on students. Instead we should foster creativity and make room for various viewpoints.
As professors at a public university, we hold a sacred trust with the students, families, and taxpayers that we serve. As subject matter experts in your chosen field, we look to you to advance and share knowledge in an inclusive manner that recognizes multiple perspectives, promotes inquiry and critical thinking, and supports the journeys our students take to arrive at their own conclusions regarding the world that we share. Please know that we offer training and support through the Office of the Provost Faculty Affairs should you seek additional skills to deliver that expected educational experience.
In closing, let me thank you once again for all that you do on behalf of the students that we serve together.
Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D.
Provost and senior vice president for academic affairs
Categories Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Provost