VCU Parking and Transportation

News & information

Beginning on Monday, October 3, the Campus Connector will begin to service a new stop, located at 3rd and Marshall Streets.  This new stop will provide the VCU community with easy access to the new VCU Police headquarters, located at 224 East Broad Street.  To service the new 3rd and Marshall bus stop, the Campus Connector will be rerouted.  As a result, the Coliseum Deck stop will only be serviced by the I Lot shuttles.

Passengers who would currently board the Campus Connector at the Coliseum Deck stop will need to go to the Larrick Center stop beginning October 3rd.

Passengers traveling towards the Monroe Park campus are encouraged to use the 3rd & Marshall stop, which is adjacent to the VCU PD Headquarters.

Passengers traveling towards the MCV campus may ride the route until reaching 3rd & Marshall or they may find it faster to exit the Campus Connector at either the Richmond Public Library or Franklin & 4th stops and walk to the Police Headquarters.


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