How to Install your New RFID Permit
Installation Instructions:
Make sure all expired university parking decals are completely removed from your vehicles prior to applying your new permit.
Before attaching your permit, make sure you clean and dry the area first. Typically, glass cleaner or alcohol works fine.
Your new RFID permit should be attached to the inside of your vehicle’s front windshield in the horizontal position with the “VCU” lettering facing towards the outside of the windshield. If your mirror is mounted to the interior header of your vehicle, measure 3” down from the top. If your vehicle’s mirror is mounted to the windshield, measure ½” below the rearview mirror mount. The permit should be centered just above the AS-1 line, behind the rear view mirror.
Peel off the clear adhesive from the front of your permit and apply the permit to your windshield.
Remove any air bubbles by rubbing over the permit with your fingers in a diagonal motion.
* Please note: Student permits (yellow) cannot be removed once they are affixed to the windshield. Removing this permit will damage the RFID insert. Faculty/Staff permits (silver) can be re-positioned.
Additional instructions can be found here: Parking Permit Mounting Instructions