Leading national library associations hold elections in the spring and, once again, VCU Libraries is well-represented in service to the profession at the national level. This service to the profession Newly elected or recently appointed librarians include:

  • Deputy Director and Head, Research and Education, VCU Health Sciences Library Emily J. Hurst was elected to the board of the Medical Library Association.  
  • Associate Dean for Research and Learning Laura Westmoreland Gariepy, Ph.D.,  is the new vice-chair/chair-elect of the University Libraries division of the American Libraries Association (ALA). 
  • Daytime Supervisor and Circulation Manager Jeanne Scott was chosen to serve as President-Elect of ALA’s Library Support Staff Interests Round Table.
  • Arts Research Librarian Carla-Mae Crookendale was appointed Education Liaison to the Executive Board of the Art Libraries Society of North America.  
  • Research Data Librarian Nina Exner was invited to serve in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)’s DataWorks DMP Challenge and was also appointed to chair the DMPTool’s working group on NIH data sharing plans.
  • Access and Electronic Records Archivist, Special Collections and Archives Margaret Turman Kidd has been reappointed to the ArchivesSpace User Advisory Council for a second term.

Other appointments for service:

Engineering and Science Collections Librarian Ibironke Lawal has been elected Director of the Engineering Library Division of the American Society for Engineering Education for the 2022-2023 term of office. 

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