VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

VCU HRPP Transitioning to New Communication Platform March 1, 2022

The VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is transitioning away from the IRB News listserv platform, and instead will be using a new platform for issuing communications to the research community. If you are signed up for the current listserv, your email address will automatically be transitioned over to the new platform, so there is […]

Gif Guide: Navigating CITI Program to Add Required Human Subjects Protection Training Courses

This Gif Guide is intended for investigators and research personnel who are required to maintain active training certification in the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative Program, or CITI Program. It will walk users though the steps needed to add an institutional affiliation, add the appropriate courses to a user’s account, and to check course completions and […]

New IRB Training on Reportable Events – March 2022

Keep calm and report to the IRB! Sign up for a special training session to learn all about which events must be reported to the IRB, including Unanticipated Problems (UPs) and noncompliance.  Sessions will be held virtually using Zoom, on the following dates: Monday, March 14, 4pm-5pm ET (Register here) Wednesday, March 16, 9am-10am ET […]

Upcoming Event: OHRP Diversity and Inclusion Research Community Forum

The VCU HRPP would like to notify the VCU research community of an upcoming event, sponsored by the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) and Northwell Health. Join OHRP and Northwell Health on May 11 and May 12, 2022 for a two-day Research Community Forum on the different avenues towards promoting diversity and innovation in […]

HRPP/IRB Continuity of Operations Plan – Important Information for Researchers

The HRPP/IRB has developed a Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan in order to be prepared for potential emergencies that may affect the conduct of human research at VCU. This notice is to inform the research community regarding the relevant details of the plan as they impact researchers. The following are questions the research community may […]

Event: How to Be an Antiracist Researcher

The VCU HRPP would like to inform the research community regarding an upcoming event on antiracist research practice. The event is on Tuesday, January 25th from noon until 1:30pm. Antiracist researchers combat inequality and racism by conceptualizing, implementing, and disseminating research that dismantles racism, oppression, discrimination, and structural inequalities. This virtual presentation offers participants an […]

Updated WPPs Available

The IRB’s Written Policies and Procedures (WPPs) were updated as of 1/5/2022 and are now available on the IRB’s website. In accordance with WPP I-1, the HRPP completed a biennial review over the past six months of all the WPPs. See the Summary of Changes document below for more information about the revisions.

New: Training Sessions on Human Research Ancillary Reviews

The IRB isn’t the end-all-be-all of human research reviews. There are several other ancillary reviews that must be completed in conjunction with IRB review. Sign up for a special training session to learn all about human research ancillary reviews! Sessions will be held virtually using Zoom, on the following dates: Fri, Jan 28, 3pm-4pm ET […]

Investigator Responsibilities during COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear Members of the VCU Research Community, As we respond to the rising number of local COVID-19 cases, the HRPP is reissuing the following guidance: 1. Continue to work with your Department Chairs, Deans, Building Managers, Human Resource Representatives, and the facility where your research takes place regarding the study’s approvals and permissions for building […]

VCU Human Research Protections Program – Winter Closing Holiday Schedule 2021

The VCU Human Research Protection Program (IRB) Office will be closed for the holidays December 23, 2021 through January 2, 2022, and will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022.    Investigators remain responsible for reporting to the IRB any unanticipated problems involving risk to subjects or others that occur during this time.  For guidance on what constitutes an unanticipated problem, […]

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