CCE Facilitator Interview: Chris Reina
VCU Business School faculty and mindfulness enthusiast Chris Reina, PhD, facilitated our recent workshop on A Mindful Approach to Leadership. For more details about Chris or to read about his most recent program, visit the CCE website. Describe your own career path up to this point. I have always been interested in understanding why some leaders […]
CCE Facilitator Interview: Terrie Glass
Terrie Glass, LCSW, is a proud VCU graduate and facilitator for our Leading Effective Teams program. For more details about Terrie or to register for her upcoming class, visit the CCE website. Describe your own career path up to this point. I got my masters degree in social work from VCU and had a wonderful, 20 […]
CCE Facilitator Interview: Lee Campe
Next up in our interview series is Lee Campe, our resident Lean Six Sigma expert and facilitator for Green Belt and Black Belt programs. For more details about Lee or to register for one of his upcoming classes, visit the CCE website. Describe your own career path up to this point. I was born and raised […]
CCE Facilitator Interview: Joyce Major
We’re continuing our interview series with Joyce Major, who leads our Creating Customer Loyalty program. For more details about Joyce or to register for her upcoming class, visit the CCE website. Describe your own career path up to this point. I started working as a counselor using my master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, but I knew […]