Being a Biology Major at VCU – Student/Faculty Panel
Faculty and students in VCU Biology discuss their experiences in the department and what a Biology major can expect when they accept their offer to attend VCU. Watch the panel discussion recorded on Zoom.
Biology Faculty, Staff to Serve on CHS and University Organizations
Several members of the VCU Biology community will serve on university and college organizations for Academic Year 2020 (Fall 2019 – Summer 2020). Carolina Yáber was elected to be Secretary for Faculty Council of the College of Humanities and Sciences. Carolina is an assistant professor in VCU Biology. Gerron Scott was elected to serve as […]
Biology Faculty Receive Course Redesign Grant to Lower Educational Costs for Students
The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) recently awarded Dianne Jennings and Jonathan Moore a Course Redesign Grant for $27,797.00 to create open educational resources for BIOL 152 Introduction to Biological Sciences II. With this grant, Jennings and Moore will be able to provide extremely affordable educational content to students for a course which is required […]
3 Biology Faculty to Develop Open Educational Resources for Biology Core Course
VCU Biology congratulates Instructors Ching-Yu Huang (pictured, left) & Jonathan Moore (pictured, right), and Associate Professor Dianne Jennings (pictured, center) for being granted an Affordable Course Content Award for their proposal, “Adopting and developing free open education resources for BIOL 151.” Huang, Jennings, and Moore were awarded a total of $18,717 to develop lesson plans […]
Summer Studies Faculty Read RateMyProfessor Reviews
Jonathan Moore, an Instructor in VCU Biology was among several faculty teaching summer courses this year who read RateMyProfessor reviews. Moore will teach introduction to biological sciences II, ecology, a capstone seminar on animal behavior, and a new lab on animal behavior during this summer semester. Watch the video below via YouTube!
Biology Faculty Contribute to Study on Student Understanding of Evolution
Dianne Jennings (Associate Professor) and Jonathan Moore (Instructor) attended an Avida-Active Lens workshop prior to the 2018 academic year to receive training on a unique platform for delivering a curriculum of evolution to students. They have created unique modules for in-class and online activities that students in their BIOL 151 and BIOL 152 courses […]