Category results for: Awards

Biology Faculty Receive Course Redesign Grant to Lower Educational Costs for Students

The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) recently awarded Dianne Jennings and Jonathan Moore a Course Redesign Grant for $27,797.00 to create open educational resources for BIOL 152 Introduction to Biological Sciences II.  With this grant, Jennings and Moore will be able to provide extremely affordable educational content to students for a course which is required […]

VCU News: $1.48M grant to aid community college students from underrepresented groups interested in biomedical sciences

VCU News has recently published an article featuring the recently renewed Bridges to the Baccalaureate grant in VCU Biology.  This program, lead by Karen Kester and Sarah Golding and with academic advising from Alvin Bryant, aims to help underrepresented community college students successfully transfer into a four-year institution. Full Article: “$1.48M grant to aid community […]

3 Biology Faculty Receive CHS Seed Awards

The College of Humanities and Sciences announced today that three VCU Biology faculty would receive Seed Awards for 2018.  Scott Gronert, Associate Dean for Research writes, “the Seed awards were established to foster the development of successful grant proposals and nationally or internationally peer-reviewed scholarly and/or creative works.” Assistant Professor Leslie Bulluck (pictured above, left) will […]

3 Biology Faculty to Develop Open Educational Resources for Biology Core Course

VCU Biology congratulates Instructors Ching-Yu Huang (pictured, left) & Jonathan Moore (pictured, right), and Associate Professor Dianne Jennings (pictured, center) for being granted an Affordable Course Content Award for their proposal, “Adopting and developing free open education resources for BIOL 151.” Huang, Jennings, and Moore were awarded a total of $18,717 to develop lesson plans […]

Wenheng Zhang named 2018 Biology Faculty of the Year

VCU Biology is thrilled to announce the 2018 Faculty of the Year: Wenheng Zhang! Wenheng Zhang, PhD is a renaissance person who with sophistication, precision, humility, immense passion, and extending benevolence inspires her students everyday. In addition to teaching undergraduate courses, Zhang has mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students as an Independent Study, Directed Study, thesis, […]

Biology Faculty & Staff Receive Multiple Awards and Honors at CHS Awards Ceremony

A staggering number of VCU Biology faculty and staff received various awards and honors at this year’s College of Humanities and Sciences Faculty & Staff Awards and Retirees Breakfast.  The awards and honorees are as follows: Chris Gough Excellence in Scholarship Award (Math/Science) Rachel Hill Distinguished Advising Award Hebing Liu Distinguished Adjunct Award Tim Millican […]

Biology Grad Student Awarded a Virginia Sea Grant Fellowship

Virginia Sea Grant announced that Benjamin Nettleton (pictured above on the right), an MS student in biology, was awarded a Commonwealth Coastal & Marine Policy Fellowship.  Nettleton will be partnered with The Nature Conservancy’s Virginia Coastal Reserve. Nettleton pursues his MS degree as a member of Assistant Professor Julie Zinnert’s Coastal Plant Ecology Lab.   […]

2 Biology Students Received Baldacci Student Experiential Learning Awards

On behalf of Interim Department Chair Bonnie Brown: The inaugural recipients of the College of Humanities and Sciences Baldacci Student Experiential Learning Endowed Fund grants (resulting from a generous gift from David and Michelle Baldacci) have today been announced and Department of Biology students received 2 of 12 awards! These awards give financial support to academically promising College of […]

2018 Awards Ceremony Honors Biology Students

On April 6th, the Department of Biology honored nine students at the annual College of Humanities and Sciences Award Ceremony.  The department recognizes these individuals for their outstanding work in their academic career, research, teaching, community contributions, and humanitarian efforts.  We congratulate these students and look forward to their continue excellence. 2018 Award Recipients Sravya […]

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