The VCU Zoom Blog

Announcements, Alerts, Tips and Pointers

Zoom 5.0 is now available for download, with new features and enhancements to protect meeting data and resist tampering.

Enhanced Encryption

With Zoom 5.0, support is enabled for AES 256-bit GCM encryption. After May 30, 2020, only Zoom clients on version 5.0 or later will be able to join Zoom Meetings.

A new encryption shield appears in the upper left of your Zoom Meeting window and indicates a secure, encrypted meeting. After May 30, the shield will be green for all users, denoting enhanced GCM encryption. Clicking the icon also takes you to the Statistics page for additional encryption details.

Encryption timeline for Zoom 5.0

Enhanced data center information

Meeting hosts can now select data center regions at the scheduling level for meetings and webinars. The Zoom client also shows which data center you’re connected to in the Info icon in the upper left of your Zoom window. You can get additional details in-meeting by selecting Video Settings – Statistics in the meeting controls.

“Report a User” feature

Meeting hosts can now select data center regions at the scheduling level for meetings and webinars. The Zoom client also shows which data center you’re connected to in the Info icon in the upper left of your Zoom window. You can get additional details in-meeting by selecting Video Settings – Statistics in the meeting controls.

Profile picture control

Hosts can now disable the ability for participants to show their profile picture and also prevent them from changing it in a meeting.

Enhancements to ending/leaving meetings

The action of ending or leaving a Zoom Meeting has been refined to make the process easier and more secure. Now, hosts can clearly decide between ending or leaving a meeting. If the host leaves, they can now easily select a new host and have the confidence that the right person is left with host privileges.

Updating to Zoom 5.0

Upgrade to Zoom 5.0 by visiting the Zoom download page.

For additional information, check out the Zoom 5.0 webpage or the Release Notes.

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