MEFF ’19 & ’20: Kellie Carlyle, PhD, MPH
My Medical Education Faculty Fellow application was based on the development of a trauma informed mentoring guide for faculty working with trainees. Over the past year, I have worked with my own team of trainees to: (1) conduct a literature review to identify best practices; (2) identify sources of data available at VCU to support evaluation; (3) outline appropriate delivery mediums; and (4) set timelines for deliverables. One of my doctoral advisees and I presented preliminary work from this project in January 2020 at the Virginia Regional Health Sciences Symposium via a round table discussion on Mentoring Adult Learners using a Trauma Informed Approach. I am scheduled to present this work as a lunchtime learning seminar in October and am also in conversation with my Chair, Dr. Sheppard, regarding evaluating some of the materials within the Department of Health Behavior and Policy as a med ed research project. To formalize my expertise in this area, I recently enrolled in a self-paced online Trauma-Informed Organization certificate program through the University of Buffalo School of Social Work to be completed over the course of fall semester. As we transitioned to remote work in the spring, I coauthored an Open Letter to VCU Faculty on Supporting Graduate Students during COVID-19 that was distributed by the Office of the Provost to all VCU faculty.
I also contribute to efforts around faculty mentorship. In January, I co-facilitated a Faculty Development Workshop with Dr. Joyce Lloyd on Mentoring: A New Year, A New You. I also served as a mentor in the Getting Started in Research in the School of Medicine Faculty Development Workshop last fall. I am involved with ongoing conversation about how to develop a faculty mentoring program specific to the School of Medicine, including meeting with other campus stakeholders like Tracy Hamilton, and am serving as a mentor for the New Faculty Orientation Program for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Lastly, I actively contribute to efforts around antiracism and diversity and inclusion. I provide resources around antiracism and decolonizing curricula and numerous workshop ideas. I co-facilitated the Faculty Development Workshop that was a follow up discussion to the Tackling Unconscious Bias to Prevent Burnout and Improve Patient Care Med-IQ webinar with Drs. Jean Bailey and Donna Jackson. I also facilitated two discussions of the CIA Book Read for How to Be an Antiracist. I will be giving the Showing Respect lecture in the Patient Centered Medicine course in August and have offered ongoing support to the instructors of this course and Patient, Physician and Society in helping them integrate additional diversity and inclusion elements into the courses. Similarly, I have met with Dr. Chris Woleban to discuss how I can aid in the SOM curriculum review as a bridge between my MEFF role and position on the SOM Curriculum Committee.
Kellie E. Carlyle, PhD, MPH (pronouns she/her/hers)
Associate Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Policy
Medical Education Faculty Fellow, SOM Office of Faculty Affairs
Core Faculty, iCubed Disrupting Criminalization in Education
Research Scientist for Intimate Partner Violence, Institute for Women’s Health