SOM Office of Faculty Affairs

Faculty Updates & Resources

New Faculty

New Faculty Orientation Videos

Welcome to Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine!  Below are interactive modules that contain essential information for you to know as a recently hired faculty member.  Each module is approximately 8 minutes.   Resource links and presenter contact information are available below.  Please stay tuned to the School of Medicine SUCCESS newsletter and the faculty listserv for information related to networking sessions, development opportunities, and faculty grants that will be announced throughout the year.  We are glad you are a part of our team!

Office of Faculty Affairs  view video
Elizabeth “Betsy” Ripley, MD, MS, RAC
Professor of Medicine, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Phone: 804-628-2353  Email: [email protected]

Office of Research and Innovation view video
John Ryan, PhD
Professor, Associate Vice President for Research Development
Phone: 804-828-0712 Email: [email protected]

Faculty Development view video
Jean Bailey, PhD
Associate Dean for Professional Instruction and Faculty Development
Phone: 804-828-3134 Email: [email protected]

Libraries and Web-based Resources view video
Teresa L. Knott, AHIP
Director, Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences & Associate University Librarian
Phone: 804-828-0634 Email: [email protected]

History of MCV Campus view video 
Jodi Koste, MA
University Archivist, Head of TML Special Collections and Archives
Phone: 804-828-9898 Email: [email protected]

Submit a hiring announcement for a new SOM faculty member here.