School honors, celebrates excellence for 2020-21

It’s been another outstanding year of academic and service excellence for students at the VCU School of Social Work.
The challenges of learning, leading and excelling during a pandemic are unlike those faced by any other group of students in modern times. Yet our B.S.W., M.S.W. and Ph.D. students showed their resolve and resilience, leaned on one another and a variety of supports and networks when they needed assistance, and continued to meet their obligations as scholars, advocates, researchers, colleagues and future social workers.
We congratulate and honor all our awardees and scholarship recipients, along with recognizing our select faculty and staff award winners!
Spring Awards
Elaine Z. Rothenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Laura Swan, Ph.D. Program
- Lynne Fetter, M.S.W. Program
- Savannah Barnett, B.S.W. Program
David N. Saunders Legislative Internship Fund
- Madeleine Green, M.S.W. Program
- Sarah Meehan, B.S.W. Program
Radical Alliance for Anti-Racism, Change and Equity (RAACE) Fellow
- Jennifer Murphy, Ph.D. Program
- Meghan Mallampati, M.S.W. Program
- Francesca Spencer, M.S.W. Program
- Rebecca Davidsson, B.S.W. Program
- Oscar Kemp, B.S.W. Program, representing the Association of Black Social Workers
- Ruth Tiguh, B.S.W. Program
Black History in the Making
- Cieara Battle, M.S.W. Program
- Phyllis King Carr, M.S.W. Program
- Oscar Kemp, B.S.W. Program
- Jerica Thompson, B.S.W. Program
- Ruth Tiguh, B.S.W. Program
- Nicole Corley, Ph.D., assistant professor
Field Impact Award
- Michelle D’Ambra, M.S.W. Program
- Kalie Owen, M.S.W. Program
- Julissa Zavala, B.S.W. Program
Social Justice Award
- Leah Bouchard, Ph.D. Program
Service & Leadership Award
- Britney Pitts, Ph.D. Program
- Cameron Tomlinson, Ph.D. Program
- Mauricio Yabar, Ph.D. Program
- Bryana Berry, M.S.W. Program
- Kaija Craft, M.S.W. Program
- Meera Doshi, M.S.W. Program
- Bailee Beverly, B.S.W. Program
- Grace Conklin, B.S.W. Program
- Frank Storey, B.S.W. Program
Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship
- Claire Luce, Ph.D. Program
- Diana Santos, M.S.W. Program
- Rebecca Davidsson, B.S.W. Program
Faculty Social Justice Award
- For their work to address racial injustice, we honor the Radical Alliance for Anti-Racism, Change and Equity (RAACE), a group of six students, 10 faculty and staff and six alumni and adjunct faculty.
Outstanding Staff Award
- Leslie A.C. Aitken, Ph.D. Program coordinator
Fall Scholarships
Adelante Scholarship: Sirviendo la Comunidad Hispana
- Erick Lainez-Villanueva, M.S.W. Program
Anne Fischer Scholarship Fund in the School of Social Work
- Bryana Berry, M.S.W. Program
- Jurica Brown, M.S.W. Program
- Angelica Gehlich, M.S.W. Program (B.A.’13/H&S)
Campbell Merit Scholarship in Social Work
- Lindsay Latham, B.S.W. Program
Cesare and Ida Sclarandis Fund
- Shauntelle Hammonds, B.S.W. Program
Dr. David P. Beverly Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Calvin Bartelle, M.S.W. Program (B.S.W.’17)
- Kyleigh Hynes, M.S.W. Program
Emmett W. Cocke, Jr. Scholarship
- Miranda Pax, M.S.W. Program
Fostering Success Scholarship
- Angelica Gehlich, M.S.W. Program (B.A.’13/H&S)
- Lindsay Pugh, M.S.W. Program
Frank and Patricia Baskind Gift-Giving Scholarship for Students with Special Needs
- Anna Harris, B.S.W. Program
- Oscar Kemp, B.S.W. Program
Gaye Shinall Jones Merit Scholarship in Social Work
- Alys Agustin, B.S.W. Program
- Meghan Beckman, B.S.W. Program
Dr. Grace E. Harris Merit Scholarship
- Amber Adams, B.S.W. Program
- Gabriela Vazquez, B.S.W. Program
Hans S. Falck Scholarship
- Leah Bouchard, Ph.D. Program
Hatcher Merit Scholarship
- Trinity Gillison, B.S.W. Program
Hurtado Family Endowed Scholarship
- Grace Conklin, B.S.W. Program
Joanne Kerbs Caramanica Scholarship
- Elizabeth Becker, M.S.W. Program
- Elise Strange, M.S.W. Program
Judy M. Thomas “Dr. T” B.S.W. Scholarship
- Rebecca Davidsson, B.S.W. Program
Katharine McCardell Webb Merit Scholarship Fund
- Natalie Dunn, B.S.W. Program
Kimberly K. Giancaspro Scholarship
- Genesis Anderson, M.S.W. Program (B.S.W.’19)
Martin S. Schwartz Scholarship
- Koren Satchell, M.S.W. Program
Mel C. Whipple Scholarship
- Kayla Burfoot, M.S.W. Program
Pamela B. Nystrom Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Cedricka Alexander, B.S.W. Program
Rachel Wilkerson Memorial Scholarship
- Ashley Staton, M.S.W. Program (B.S.’14/H&S)
Rick and Brenda Faulkner Scholarship
- Jennifer Leftwich, M.S.W. Program
Rita Schleuter Memorial Scholarship in Social Work
- Monita Green, B.S.W. Program
Robin M. McKinney Dissertation Honor Fund Scholarship
- Keith Watts, Ph.D. Program
Social Work Administration, Planning and Policy Practice Scholarship Fund
- Kaija Craft, M.S.W. Program
- Courtney Reece, M.S.W. Program
- Elizabeth Sirney, M.S.W. Program
Thomas Carlton Memorial Fund
- Devon VanBuskirk, M.S.W. Program
Virginia Council on Social Welfare Scholarship
- Kristina Houghton, B.S.W. Program
- Audrey Saggese, B.S.W. Program
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Social Workers in Aging
- Roseanne Ross, M.S.W. Program (B.S.W.’17)
- Ashley Staton, M.S.W. Program (B.S.’14/H&S)
Tagged Britney Pitts, Camie Tomlinson, Claire Luce, Francesca Spencer, Jennifer Murphy, Laura Swan, Leah Bouchard, Leslie Aitken, Mauricio Yabar, Meghan Mallampati, Nicole Corley, Oscar Kemp, Radical Alliance for Anti-Racism / Change / Equity (RAACE), Rebecca Davidsson, Ruth Tiguh, Scholarships, Student Awards