Arroyo Named VCU Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Dear Colleagues: I am pleased to announce that we have concluded our national search for the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs position. Accordingly, I offered the position to Andrew T. Arroyo, Ed.D. who has accepted it and begins work immediately. Dr. Arroyo has served in that role in an interim capacity for more than […]
Provost Statement on the Board of Visitors’ Decision Regarding VCU’s Racial Literacy Requirement
Dear VCU Faculty: As you likely know, VCU’s Board of Visitors today, exercising their authority to determine university graduation mandates, signaled their support for the courses created to implement VCU’s Racial Literacy requirement but voted against mandating the requirement. Obviously, this is not the outcome for which we worked. As I told the Board, I […]
“General Education Curriculum and Graduation Mandates” on May 9 Board of Visitors Committee Agenda
The VCU Board of Visitors Academic and Health Affairs Committee is meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 2:00 pm. The meeting’s agenda includes a discussion of, “General Education Curriculum and Graduation Mandates.”
Advice for students and parents frustrated by delays in federal financial aid awards
Federal financial aid delays are frustrating students and parents this year, regardless of what university they attend or aspire to attend. Our colleague, Hernan Bucheli, Ph.D., VCU’s interim vice president for strategic enrollment management and student success, offers advice to those folks in a piece published today in the Virginia Mercury. At VCU, our message […]