Announcing credit-inclusive digital badges

Building on our success with non-credit digital badges, VCU Academic Affairs is excited to announce an opportunity for innovative digital badge concepts that integrate with credit courses.
We invite proposals that detail the specific courses involved, explain the need for these badges in both academic and industry contexts, and include confirmation of approval from the relevant school or college dean. Proposals will be processed by VCU Continuing and Professional Education and reviewed by members of a new Instructional Innovation Council.
Please submit your innovative concepts to the Academic Strategy & Innovation Help Desk (select “microcredentials”) and be a part of this exciting initiative!
November 30 edit: The idea of microcredentials is gaining momentum among employers. As reporter Jeremy Bauer-Wolf wrote in a recent Higher Ed Dive article, a new Association of American Colleges and Universities survey finds that a growing number of employers are valuing those badges when making hiring decisions:
Categories Academic AffairsMicrocredentials came out on top when the survey asked about the qualifications employers prefer. Almost 70% said they would prioritize hiring a college graduate with a microcredential for an entry-level job. A college graduate without a microcredential was their next preference.