There will be an information session on studying in Ireland on Monday, October 5th at 12:30 on the 4th floor of 912 W. Grace Street. If you can’t make it, or would like to learn more in advance:

What: Six $2,500 scholarships for spring semester 2016 academic, internship, or service-learning abroad programs in the Republic of Ireland*.

Deadline: Thursday, October 15th, 2015

To Apply: A faculty member must nominate students by submitting an academic letter of reference that includes the applicant’s full name and V# to Alternatively, letters may be delivered or sent to the Education Abroad office at 912 W. Grace Street, 4th floor.

Interviews will be conducted the week of October 19-22. Students do not need to have been accepted to a specific study abroad program in Ireland by October 15, but should have a program in mind to discuss at the interview. Students should work closely with an Education Abroad advisor to identify and apply for an appropriate spring semester 2016 program in the Republic of Ireland*. Recipients must register an approved study abroad program in the Republic of Ireland* by completing an online application through the Education Abroad office by November 15, 2015.

Requirements: Applicants must be a US citizen or Permanent Resident, undergraduate degree-seeking, and have a FAFSA on file for the 2015-2016 academic year with an Expected Family Contribution of $15,000 or less. There is no minimum GPA or class standing requirement for the scholarship, although programs may set eligibility requirements.

Preference will be given to students who:

  • Have a documented disability (with a letter of accommodation from a qualified professional or from VCU Disability Support Services)
  • Are the first in their family to attend college
  • Are the first in their family to study abroad
  • Attended community college in the past
  • Represent diverse ethnic backgrounds

Questions? Contact Erin Robson, Education Abroad Coordinator at or


Categories NSO University Partners, Other Scholarship Opportunities