Canvas Feature Updates June 2023
Gradebook – View Gradebook Menu Location and Name Update
Production Environment Availability: 6/7/2023
When instructors switch between Gradebooks, the View Gradebook Menu displays to the left of the page. Additionally, the main Gradebook is renamed Traditional Gradebook. Previously when switching between gradebooks, the View Gradebook Menu displayed on the right of the page.
The View Gradebook Menu displays on the left when navigating between Gradebook views.
The main Gradebook is renamed Traditional Gradebook.
Modules – Bulk Publish and Unpublish Module Items
Production Environment Availability: 6/17/2023
In Modules, instructors can bulk publish all modules or individual modules. Instructors have the option to publish all modules and items, publish all modules only, or unpublish all modules and items. Additionally, the publish icon on individual modules is updated to include a Module status menu. This menu includes the options to publish module and all items, publish module only or unpublish module and all items for individual modules.
Bulk publish is only available when File Copyright is enabled and set or disabled in a course. Bulk unpublish is not available for any Files. Additionally, an unpublished module overrides the state of individual module items. If an item is published within an unpublished module, students cannot view the item on the Modules page but can still view the published items in other areas of Canvas. However, they will not be able to interact with the item until the module is published.
Note: The ability to select multiple specific items to publish is not available.
In the Modules page, click the Publish All button [1] and select an option [2].
To view the module status menu of individual Modules, click the Module Status Menu [1]. Then, in the drop down menu, select the desired option [2].
New Quizzes – Rich Content Editor in New Quizzes
Production Environment Availability: 6/17/2023
The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available in New Quizzes.This update provides instructors the ability to utilize the accessibility checker on questions and instructions, add media recordings within New Quizzes, and change the view between the HTML editor and classic view for advanced users. Users can also access a math editor. Additionally, this update provides students with the ability to record audio and video within the RCE of a New Quiz. This update completes phase one and phase two of the Rich Content Editor integration in New Quizzes. For more information on the Rich Content Editor integration, see the Re-enablement of the Rich Content Editor (RCE) in New Quizzes blog.
When building a New Quiz, instructors can use the Rich Content Editor.
When taking a New Quiz, students can use the Rich Content Editor.
Note: In New Quizzes, the Rich Content Editor supports adding content using third-party apps.
Assignments – External Tools Add Rubric Button
Production Environment Availability: and 6/21/2023
After creating an assignment using an external tool, the Add Rubric button is available. Previously, the Add Rubric button was unavailable for external tool assignments and instructors were required to use a workaround to add the rubric to the assignment. This update allows users to add a rubric to an external tool assignment
After creating a new assignment with an external tool, the Add Rubric button displays.
Categories Canvas, Uncategorized
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