Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

Nov 5, 12pm-2pm:  Canvas Open Discussion for VCU Faculty

Facilitator: Adam Kuntz, Canvas Consultant

Registration: https://training.vcu.edu (keyword – Canvas)

Zoom Join URL: https://instructure.zoom.us/j/9106416784

Two hours have been scheduled for this drop-in, online discussion event for VCU faculty. The session will be moderated by a Canvas consultant, and is a great opportunity for VCU instructors to ask questions about all things Canvas. Do you need to know how to do something Canvas? Are you having trouble with a feature or process? Join any time between noon and 2pm and stay as little or as long as you like. Please register if you think you might join. The session is free, and no need to worry about cancelling if you can’t make it.

Nov 5, 1pm – 2:30pm – Personalized Learning

Facilitator: Kenneth Rogers, Canvas Learning Specialist

Registration: https://training.vcu.edu 

Zoom Join URL: https://instructure.zoom.us/j/99320381724?pwd=dk1yNTdGMkdycFUzSXlmQ1BRSDNPZz09

A Canvas Learning Specialist will lead this session which has been customized specifically for VCU faculty. If you want to learn how to make your Canvas courses more personalized, don’t miss this opportunity!  The training will cover best practices for interacting and engaging with your students virtually. Register at https://training.vcu.edu, keyword Canvas, or visit the VCU Canvas website with the full Canvas training schedule and registration information.

Nov 5,  2:30pm – 4pm – Course Evaluation and Accessibility

Facilitator: Kenneth Rogers, Canvas Learning Specialist

Registration: https://training.vcu.edu

Zoom Join URL: https://instructure.zoom.us/j/94453049453?pwd=dHcyajBhT293WUEwWTZEcDdkMUF3dz09

Canvas Learning Specialist, Kenneth Rogers, will lead this training session which has been customized specifically for VCU faculty. The training will cover course evaluation and accessibility in Canvas. Register at https://training.vcu.edu, keyword Canvas, or visit the VCU Canvas website with the full Canvas training schedule and registration information.

Categories Canvas, Private, Uncategorized

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