Learning Systems Announcements

Put Some Tech in Your T&L

NOTE: The Google Chrome team is postponing the changes until version 80.   There isn’t a release date for version 80 yet but based on their release cadence, it could be available in January. 

On October 22, 2019, Google Chrome will release version 78 of Chrome to users which removes key functions that may impact a user’s ability to complete SCORM-related Assignments and Assessments.  Google Chrome 78 (and later versions) may block the completion of the course when users exit the course by closing or navigating away from the window containing the SCORM player. Relevant details such as completion, success, score, and duration would remain in an incomplete status even though the user completed the course.

Rustici has provided a patch that uses other mechanisms that are not blocked in Google Chrome version 78 (or later versions).  Blackboard is quickly working to include the fix in a Learn SaaS release as well as Cumulative Updates for Learn 9.1, Q2 2019, Q4 2018 and Q2 2018.  In the meantime, Rustici has provided a workaround for end users.

Users can disable the new behavior in Google Chrome version 78.  Workaround details provided from Rustici include:

1. Chrome has a flag that can be modified to change this behavior in a user’s browser. The user can navigate to chrome://flags/#allow-sync-xhr-in-page-dismissal in the browser and enable it.
Note: in Chrome 77, there is a preview setting #enable-forbid-sync-xhr-in-page-dismissal that can be used to test the behavior before the release goes out.

2. This flag can also be set using the AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal enterprise policy flag, if that’s something being used by your organization.

3. There is also a temporary opt-out available via GoogleOrigin Trial “Allow Sync XHR In Page Dismissal”. This feature allows you to register your domain for a token that you can then include in a header when serving the player files, and it will trigger Chrome to enable the synchronous requests during page dismissal. More details about enabling and using this method are outlined in this Google page.

This workaround is planned to be available until Google Chrome version 82 which is planned to be released in April 2020.

You can read more about the Chrome 78 issue on Rustic’s knowledge base page.

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