Executive Summary – Advancing Dental Education in the 21st Century
In preparation for the VCU School of Dentistry’s strategic planning process, Dean David C. Sarrett, DMD, MS, provides an executive summary representing an analysis of Advancing Dental Education in the 21st Century This summary provides a “snapshot” of the challenges, trends and issues in today’s dental education. Areas of Challenge Finances In past 20 years, […]
Brickhouse named interim chair
Tegwyn H. Brickhouse, D.D.S., Ph.D. photo: VCU University Relations BRICKHOUSE NAMED INTERIM CHAIR AT SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Research and policy strengths help eliminate barriers to oral health for the most vulnerable RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 7, 2017 – Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry Dean and Associate Vice President for Health Sciences, David C. Sarrett, D.M.D., […]
M.S. in Oral Health Research
The VCU School of Dentistry plans to offer an M.S. degree in Oral Health Research starting in Fall 2018. The M.S. is a two-year program and is designed with two groups of students in mind. For students who plan to apply to dental school, the non-thesis track focuses mainly on didactics including core courses and […]
Funding Opportunities
All NIDCR funding opportunities can be found at http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/NewsAndFeatures/ENewsletters/CurrentNews/ New Opportunities NIDCR NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-348.html 16 Oct 2015, 16 Feb 2016 This NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators supports basic and clinical research conducted by scientists who are in the early stages of establishing an independent research career […]
Lyubov Slacheva at the 55th Annual American Dental Association (ADA)/Dentsply Student Clinician Research program
The dental profession continues to develop in new ways that allow us to better serve the oral health needs of the public. Dentists in clinical practice best know their patients’ needs, yet may not typically have the means by which to be the pioneers of novel advances. Acknowledging this, organizations like the Pierre Fauchard Academy […]
International Association of Dental Research Pediatric Oral Health – “Global Trends of Diagnostics, Risk Assessment and Innovative Strategies for ECC Prevention”
The “Global Trends of Diagnostics, Risk Assessment and Innovative Strategies for ECC Prevention” symposium at the IADR meeting in South Africa was very well attended. There were presentations by M.O. Ukpong (Nigeria) on Early Childhood Caries as a Global Epidemic in developed and developing countries; Innovative Comprehensive CAMBRA Risk Assessment tool for Young children and caregivers […]
Relaunch of the Philips Institute for Oral Health Research
The Philips Institute is growing. There are now over 60 people working within the Institute creating a vibrant research atmosphere with an active seminar series and post graduate club. Approval by the University to start an MS and a PhD program in Oral Health Research will expand the pool of researchers and train the next […]
Faculty Research – Who’s Who in SoD – Dr Yue Sun
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the 5th most common cancer worldwide with 200,000 deaths annually. In the US, about 11,000 people die and 40,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. Improvements in surgery and chemoradiation have resulted in modest improvement in the 5-year survival of HNSCC; 48% survival for individuals with locally […]
MS Students who graduated this year
Congratulations to all the MS students who defended their thesis this year. Although none of them graduated from the School of Dentistry they did carry out their research under the supervision of our faculty. We will continue to see some of them around the school. Paul Dado Kim: MS in Microbiology and Immunology Title: The […]
Updates from IADR international conference
Drs Tufecki, Brickhouse and Best met with 2500 of our closest colleagues at the IADR conference in Cape Town, South Africa the last week of June. Al’s favorite session was an interactive exchange with the Cochrane meta-analysis folks. Small groups did blind reviews of three dental products/procedures and were asked to rate the level of […]