Endo pre-doc clinic update
by Dr. Sameer Jain
A busy fall semester
The new class of D4 students began their journey in clinical endodontics last summer/fall as they transitioned from the simulation laboratory to patient treatment. In just one semester, the class finished over 80% of their threshold requirements as a testament to dedicated clinical faculty supervision.
The fall semester saw the start of a senior selective course in endodontics for which we received an overwhelming number of applications. This year’s students hit the ground running and skillfully adopted the use of the microscope and advanced instrumentation, and obturation techniques while performing clinical endodontics. This program prepares interested students hone their skills, knowledge and understanding in dealing with mild to moderately complex cases. It also enhances their prospects for residency applications after graduation.
Sincere thanks
I would like to thank Drs. Linda Baughan, D.D.S. (M.Ed. ‘78/E; D.D.S. ‘83/D; cert ‘93/HP; HS ‘00) and James Heffernan (M.S. ‘93/D) for managing the bulk of the pre-doc clinic coverage through their part-time commitment.
Thanks also to our young clinicians: Dr. Dentonio Worrell, Dr. Deepika Ganesh, Valeria Pizzini, D.D.S. (D.D.S. ‘14/D), Dr. Daniel Bartling, Dr. Nick Schroeder, and Dr. Enrique Oltra. We appreciate their gifts of time and knowledge as they help guide the next generation of professional endodontists.
Departmental support
With two years at VCU experience, I am extremely grateful to have been named a Revere Scholar. This prestigious recognition will truly help support my professional development and research. I am also a grateful recipient of the Full-Time Educator Development Grant through the AAE Foundation. This grant allowed me to attend the ADEA/AAL Institute for Teaching and Learning course in Houston. It was attended by about 80 full time dental and medical educators and two other full-time endodontic educators.
I am very grateful for the support of my Dept. and the AAE Foundation to “Educate the Educators” with these faculty development grants.
Outside the school, I continue to serve as a member of AAE’s Research and Scientific Affairs Committee with responsibilities as a scientific reviewer for all of the leading endodontic journals such as Journal of Endodontics, International Endodontic Journal and Clinical Oral Investigations.
I hope to continue to add more value and dimension to our team through my responsibilities with the urgent care clinic, the pre-doc endo clinic and resident research.
Categories Endodontics