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Our November Family Spotlight is the Panozo Family of King George County, Virginia!

Daughter Nadia, a first-year student and member of the Cheerleading squad, loves VCU and felt comfortable here right away. The Panozo family was slightly familiar with the Richmond area prior to their daughter coming to VCU, but there was still a lot to learn and explore once she moved on to campus. Nadia chose VCU because of its great location: not too close to home but also not too far away to make her feel homesick!

The Panozos had a great time at Family Weekend and said it was their favorite experience so far at VCU. “All of Family Weekend was my favorite, it’s too hard to choose just one event!” said Rosy Panozo. One of the best parts was the opportunity to see Nadia in action at the VCU Cheerleading open practice at the Siegal Center.

Nadia came home for the weekend about two months after moving into her residence hall on campus, spending some quality family time which was much appreciated. The Panozo family recommends families and students stay in contact like this throughout the semester. “Stay in contact and always stay positive and support and love your students no matter what.” This is especially good advice as we come through midterm exams and see the end of the semester fast approaching. Final exams will be here before we know it and the best thing you can do as family members is support your students as they deal with the added stress.

We want to highlight you! From first-years to super seniors, each month we will spotlight a different family to learn more about their experience with VCU. Interested in being our family of the month? Email us at [email protected] for our questions and send along any photos you would like to include. We can’t wait to learn more about you!

Categories Family Highlight

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