VCU Blogs

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Congratulation, Dr. Yana Cen – Bertha Rolfe Teacher of the Year 2024!

It is my pleasure to inform you that Dr. Yana Cen was awarded the Bertha Rolfe Teacher of the Year award at the recent graduation ceremony of the School. This is a major accolade from all the students, especially on the PharmD side, and recognizes her teaching skills. It is rare for Department faculty members to win […]

Congratulation Dr. Yana Cen!

Dr. Yana Cen has been promoted to associate professorship with tenure in our department. As you may know, this is a major milestone in the life of an academician and recognizes the potential and promise of a faculty member in terms of past achievements and future contributions. Please join me in congratulating her for all […]

Department Winners at the SOP Graduate Awards Ceremony

I am very happy to inform those of you who did not turn up at the ceremony yesterday that Rosalie Hoyle won two major awards – the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Studies as well as the William Barr Award. The Dean’s Award is the highest award a graduate student can get and requires […]

Class of 2024: Mohammed AlAwadh delves into the intricacies of drug development

After graduation, he will return to Saudi Arabia as a professor, teaching others the techniques he has learned at VCU.

Congratulation Mohammed AlAwadh selected as speaker!

I have come to learn that our student Mohammed AlAwadh has been selected as the Graduate Student Speaker at the School of Pharmacy Commencement Program in May 2024. This is a good recognition for him, Dr. Safo (his advisor) and the Department’s robust graduate program. Please join me in congratulating him!! – Umesh

Congratulations to Dr. Jiong Li’s awarded V Foundation grant!

It is my pleasure to announce that Prof. Jiong Li has just been awarded a research grant by the V Foundation to the tune of $110,000 for 2 years. The title of the grant is ‘FOSL1 degradation overcomes cisplatin resistance in HNSCC’.  Please join me in congratulating Prof. Li. This is his second quick success following […]

Dr. Guo’s polymer in the market now!!

Hello ALL, Sending you the link to a story by VCU News on Dr. Guo’s polymer that helps determine cryo-EM structure of membrane proteins. Congratulations Dr. Guo!!

A tribute to Dr. Faik Musayev recognizing his 25 years of service to the University:

I am delighted to bring to your attention a significant career milestone of one of our colleagues, Faik Musayev, who is celebrating an impressive 25 years of dedicated service at VCU in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry (SOP) and the Center for Drug Discovery. Reflecting on this occasion, I would like to share a memorable […]

Congratulations Sharon Lee!

Congratulations to Sharon Lee for being one of the recipients of the VCU Staff Senate Guiding Star Award for Career Achievement!  This award recognizes a long-serving staff member who dedicated the vast majority of their professional career to providing exemplary support or service to the VCU community and who provide direct support or service in an administrative, front […]

Congratulation on three of our faculty in VCU’s research report and presentation!

I am happy to inform you that three of our faculty members including Drs. Safo, Zhang (S) and Zhang (Y) have been highlighted in Vice-President for Research & Innovation’s State of Research talk (today) and Annual Report 2023. I was at the presentation and Dr. Rao highlighted their work as outstanding and exceptionally important. Congratulations to all […]

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